Where do I find graduate study forms (e.g., comps, change of program, etc.)?
Follow this link to get various forms needed throughout graduate school: Forms
How do I apply for admission for graduate study at Montclair State University?
Follow this link to apply online or to download forms: How to Apply
What are some important deadlines/dates?
Follow this link for the academic calendar for Montclair State University: Academic Calendar
As a student, where can I go on campus for personal counseling services provided by professionals other than counseling program faculty and students?
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers short-term individual and group counseling to students, as well as a variety of educational and consultative services designed to promote wellness in the campus community. CAPS is located in Russ Hall–The phone number is 973-655-5211 or visit the CAPS website.
FAQ – Counseling Program
Where do I find information about the Comprehensive Exams?
I am interested in becoming a counselor, but to be honest, I am not exactly sure what a counselor does. Where can I learn about the counseling profession?
Two excellent sources for information about the counseling profession are the American Counseling Association and the National Board of Certified Counselors. To learn about specific specializations within the profession, consult the websites of the various divisions within ACA. We also encourage you to conduct several informational interviews with professional counselors in a variety of settings in order to get a more personal perspective.
Do I need a teaching degree and/or experience before enrolling in this masters program?
No. No teaching degree or experience is required to enroll in the Program, nor is it needed to become certified as a school counselor in New Jersey.
What are the admission requirements?
Candidates for admission to the Counseling Program are required to submit a completed application, a personal statement, official transcripts of previously attended undergraduate and graduate programs, and two letters of recommendation, one of which should be academic in nature. Applicants with a GPA below 2.9 will not be considered for admission. For further information about the admissions process and additional requirements, please consult The Graduate School website.
I am planning on enrolling full time. How long is the program?
In general, most of our full-time students may complete their program in approximately 2.5 – 3 years.
I have a full-time job and a family. Can I attend your program part-time?
Most of our students are just like you and attend classes on a part-time basis. For this reason, the many of our classes are in the evenings. Some Saturday and weekend courses are offered, as well as some hybrid.
What is the application deadline?
Fall Admissions: February 1
Spring Admissions: October 1
Where are students placed for Internship?
Students find internship settings consistent with their chosen concentration. These settings include, but are not limited to, K-12 schools, mental health agencies, substance abuse facilities, district offices and college settings.