Jed Leshowitz Recital Hall

Recital Scheduling

Recital Policy

Rules and Regulations
  • Academic recital registration and scheduling is available for students enrolled in the following degree programs: BMus, MA, MM, Performer’s Certificate, and Artist Diploma.
  • Recitals must not exceed 90 minutes in length, inclusive of one 10-minute intermission.
  • You will have 30 minutes for a sound check starting one hour before your recital. The house will be opened 30 minutes prior to your scheduled recital start time.
  • Recitals must always start on time unless there is a need for production to hold. No exceptions.
  • No encores permitted. House lights will come up at the conclusion of your final piece.
  • No food, drink, or receptions are permitted in Chapin Hall.
  • No cancellations are permitted unless there is written emergency approval by the Cali School Director Anthony Mazzocchi.
    • Recitals canceled without approval will only be rescheduled in G55, 201, or Westminster 110
  • No recitals are permitted to be scheduled during the following conflicts:
    • The Crawford Memorial Concert in December
    • Against area/instrument-related large ensemble events (e.g., no voice recitals during a University Singers/MSU Chorale concert)
  • All recital production requirements are subject to the Production Manager’s approval.
  • Recital grades and registration:
    • In order to schedule your recital, you must be registered for the relevant recital course (MUPR 295, 395, 485, 495, or 695).
    • Recital grades are given by your private instructor and submitted by the instructor of record Taylor Goodson. If you have a problem with your recital grade, be sure to discuss it with your private instructor or your academic advisor.
    • Incomplete recitals:
      • If you registered for a recital but were unable to complete it, you will receive a grade of “IN” (incomplete). Incomplete recitals must be completed by February 15 for Fall recitals or June 30 for Spring recitals. The “IN” grade will be updated upon the conclusion of the recital. Incomplete recitals that are not completed by the February 15/June 30 deadline will receive a letter grade of “F” automatically. Recitals that are completed beyond the February 15/June 30 deadline will only be scheduled in G55/201/Westminster 110. The “F” grade will be updated upon the conclusion of the recital.
Recital Performance Spaces

Academic recitals are held in Chapin Hall on the Montclair Campus (Leshowitz Recital Hall, room G55, and room 201) and in Westminster Hall (room 110) on the Bloomfield Campus. Details about each of these spaces can be found below.

  • Leshowitz Recital Hall
    • Events in the Recital Hall are staffed by Production Office personnel.
    • Archival audio recording happens for all Leshowitz Recital Hall events. Contact Phil Clifford for more information.
    • Events in Leshowitz Recital Hall may be streamed and video recorded by the Cali School. Due to the nature of the reliance on technology and university networking infrastructure, video recording and streaming is not guaranteed, but every effort will be made to reliably capture, stream, and archive performances that are staffed in Leshowitz Recital Hall.
    • There is no green room provided for events in the Recital Hall. Belongings of performer(s) can remain backstage but must be removed at the conclusion of the performance. The Cali School is not responsible for any items left behind after the conclusion of the performance.
    • Receptions and food/beverage are not permitted in any of the Montclair Campus locations (Leshowitz, G55, or 201).
  • G55 and 201
    • Events in G55 and 201 are not staffed by the Production Office.
    • Room setup and restore is the responsibility of the performer for both G55 and 201.
    • Audio/video recording arrangements for G55 and 201 are the responsibility of the performer(s).
    • There is no green room provided for events in G55 or 201.
    • Receptions and food/beverage are not permitted in any of the Montclair Campus locations (Leshowitz, G55, or 201).
  • Westminster 110
    • Events in Westminster 110 are not staffed by the Production Office.
    • Room setup and restore is the responsibility of the performer for Westminster 110.
    • Audio/video recording arrangements for Westminster 110 are the responsibility of the performer(s).
    • All recitals in Westminster 110 include an adjacent green room, Westminster 103, where performers can leave their belongings at their own risk.
    • All chairs and stands are stored in the closet labeled 113 within room 110. Any chairs and stands used must be returned to this closet at the conclusion of your event.

In order to book the Recital Hall, your recital must be scheduled at least one month in advance while scheduling for G55, 201, or Westminster 110 can occur anytime before the performance date. Recital scheduling for the Fall semester opens on August 1st, about one month before the semester begins. Recital scheduling for the Spring semester opens on December 1, about six weeks before the semester begins. Recital Hall scheduling for the Fall semester closes on November 15 while Spring semester recital scheduling closes on April 15. All recitals scheduled after November 15/April 15 will be scheduled for G55, 201, or Westminster 110 only as scheduling for the Leshowitz Recital Hall is fully closed on those dates.

In order to successfully schedule and finalize your recital date, you must complete the following:

  • Meet with your advisor to determine how many recitals (if any) are required to complete your degree.
  • Register for your recital. You must be registered for your recital before proceeding with recital scheduling.
  • Find three dates* that you, your accompanist, and your instructor have available for your recital.
  • Meet with Taylor Goodson in person to schedule your recital. Office hours are posted on his office door, Chapin 129. If you are not at school during the available hours, send an email to to schedule an alternate time.
  • Once a date has been confirmed with Taylor, you will receive a blue recital scheduling form. This will begin a two-week countdown to your deadline. IMPORTANT: If this scheduling process is not completed within two-weeks of receiving your blue form, your date will be erased from the calendar and released for other use.
  • Your private instructor must sign the top section of the recital form.
  • Bring your signed form to the Production Manager, Phil Clifford, to discuss your anticipated program and any production needs. If approved, Phil will receive your blue form and reconfirm your recital with you, your instructor, accompanist, the area coordinator, and the scheduling office via email.  Your recital is now scheduled and fully confirmed.
  • If at any time during this process you foresee any problems meeting your deadline, contact Phil and Taylor via email. If you do not meet your deadline and have not communicated beforehand, you will forfeit the use of the recital hall and your date will be released. All recital communications must happen via official Montclair State University email accounts only.
  • One scheduled two-hour dress rehearsal is permitted per recital.** Dress rehearsal time is not guaranteed and is subject to the availability of your performance space. Speak to Taylor to schedule your dress rehearsal after your recital is confirmed.

*Available recital times: 

Tuesday – Friday: 5 & 8pm; Saturdays: 2, 5 & 8pm; Sundays: 11am, 2pm, 5pm, & 8pm
No recitals will be scheduled on Mondays or during University holiday weekends.


**Additional rehearsals for recitals that rely on large ensembles:

Two additional two-hour rehearsal times may be booked for the following academic recitals that rely on large ensembles: Jazz, Composition, and Graduate Conducting. These rehearsals may only be scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays in the following spaces: G01, G02, G33, 230, 330, and 430. Rehearsal time is not guaranteed and is subject to room availability. The Scheduling Office will do everything possible to ensure scheduled rehearsals can occur as planned, but the need for flexibility is necessary for extreme circumstances. As much notice as possible will be given if a rehearsal needs to be moved or rescheduled.

Additional Scheduling Information

Student Organization Scheduling

Please adhere to the following guidelines for booking Student Organization events in the Cali School of Music.

  • All Student Organizations must appoint one point of contact for all scheduling needs and concerns. The Scheduling Office will work with this contact for the booking of events.
  • Scheduling for Student Organizations’ needs will begin on August 1st for Fall events and December 1st for Spring events.
  • All Student Organization scheduling must be completed by either November 15 or April 15 of the current semester. No additional scheduling can take place in the semester’s final month to ensure that there is appropriate time for booking end-of-semester events (dress rehearsals, juries, exams, etc.).
  • The Scheduling Office will do everything possible to ensure scheduled Student Organization meetings can occur as planned, but the need for flexibility is necessary for extreme circumstances. As much notice as possible will be given if a Student Organization meeting/event needs to be moved or rescheduled.
  • All informal Student Organization events are to be held outside of Chapin Hall. Organization recitals and relevant musical activities are welcome to be held in our facility, but social events and similar activities should be held elsewhere on campus, such as the Student Center, Recreation Center, or in the many Residence Life locations available for student use.
  • Student Organizations are not permitted to use the Leshowitz Recital Hall unless written approval is provided by the Cali School Director Anthony Mazzocchi.
  • For more information, please visit the Center for Student Involvement website at:
Chapin Hall Room Rental Fees

For MSU Students and Personnel

Within Chapin Hall, our three large performance spaces (G55, 201, and the Leshowitz Recital Hall) are available for rental throughout the year. The following rates apply for use of the space:

Weekday Day (Monday – Friday, 9am – 4pm)

$100 for the first hour, $50 for each additional hour

Weekday Evening (Monday – Friday, 4pm – 10pm)

$200 for the first hour, $50 for each additional hour

Weekend (Saturday & Sunday, 9am-10pm)

$250 for the first hour, $50 for each additional hour

Rental rates are for non-academic events only (audio and video recordings, rehearsals, non-degree performances, etc.) – these fees do not apply to degree recitals, dress rehearsals, or other for-credit endeavors.

A non-refundable $25 deposit is required in order for your reservation to be placed on the Cali School calendar. No reservations will be made without this deposit. Please visit the Scheduling Office in order to book any and all dates.

Portions of an hour are charged as a whole. Events that begin prior to 5:00pm and end after 5:00pm are charged at the evening rate. Other rooms, rates, and availability are determined on a case-by-case basis.

Please discuss any and all production requirements and anticipated schedule with the Production Office after your date and time has been secured.

Studio Recital Scheduling

Area Coordinators at the Cali School of Music are permitted to host Studio Recitals, performances for their area that take place during the semester. Studio Recitals are held in the Leshowitz Recital Hall, room G55, room 201, and Westminster 110. Please refer to the “Recital Performance Spaces” section of the Recital Policy for further details about these spaces. Studio Recital scheduling for all spaces for the upcoming academic year opens on August 1st, about one month before the beginning of the Fall semester. Studio Recital scheduling for the Fall semester closes on November 15 while Spring semester Studio Recital scheduling closes on April 15.

Please be aware of the following additional regulations:

  • Area Coordinators are permitted one Studio Recital performance in the Leshowitz Recital Hall per semester. All additional performances will be scheduled in either G55, 201, or Westminster 110.
  • Studio Recitals in G55, 201, and Westminster 110 are unstaffed. It is up to the Area Coordinator to secure room access, oversee event setup, and return the space to its proper arrangement at the conclusion of the event.
  • Studio Recitals must not exceed 90 minutes in length, inclusive of one 10-minute intermission.
  • Studio Recitals will have 30 minutes for a sound check starting one hour before the recital. The house will be opened 30 minutes prior to your scheduled recital start time.
  • Recitals must always start on time unless there is a need for production to hold.
  • No encores permitted. House lights will come up at the conclusion of the final piece.
  • Available Studio Recital times: 
    • Tuesday – Friday: 5 & 8pm; Saturdays: 2, 5 & 8pm; Sundays: 11am, 2pm, 5pm, & 8pm
    • No recitals will be scheduled on Mondays or during University holiday weekends.
  • No recitals are permitted to be scheduled during the following conflicts:
    • The Crawford Memorial Concert in December
    • Against area/instrument-related large ensemble events (e.g., no voice recitals during a University Singers/MSU Chorale concert)

If you would like to book a Studio Recital, Area Coordinators can contact the Cali School’s Scheduling Administrator Taylor Goodson by email (, by phone (extension 3215), or in person (Chapin 129).

Masterclass Scheduling

Area Coordinators at the Cali School of Music are permitted to host masterclasses for their area that take place during the semester. Masterclasses are held in the Leshowitz Recital Hall, room G55, room 201, and Westminster 110. All masterclasses are unstaffed – no Production Office staff will be provided for these events. It is up to the Area Coordinator to secure room access, oversee event setup, and return the space to its proper arrangement at the conclusion of the event. Masterclass scheduling for all spaces for the upcoming academic year opens on August 1st, about one month before the beginning of the Fall semester. While masterclass scheduling does not have a formal closing date during the semester, masterclasses are not to be scheduled during any of the following:

  • Juries & final examinations
  • Against area/instrument-related large ensemble events (e.g., no voice masterclasses during a University Singers/MSU Chorale rehearsal or concert)

In order to book a masterclass, Area Coordinators must utilize the following procedure:

  • Ensure availability for your desired masterclass date.
    • The Cali School Google Calendar that is shared with you will show you what dates and times are available. However, you must confirm with the Scheduling Administrator Taylor Goodson that your desired date and time is indeed available before proceeding.
  • Once you have a date and time, you must then fill out the “Guest Artist/Speaker and Faculty Additional Assignment Form.” To access this document, contact the Financial Secretary Paula Chmiel.
  • Once this document has been completed, the masterclass will be added to the Cali School’s production documents. Promotional materials will only be created after this point. Please contact the Marketing & Outreach Manager Heather Kern for further details.